Dance & Event Flooring

Our flooring products are renowned the world over for their high performance and durability.

Gerriets offers a comprehensive selection of vinyl dance and event flooring for temporary, permanent, and semi-permanent uses; there’s sure to be a Gerriets floor to support your needs! Our range of vinyl dance and event floors can be found in a wide array of dance applications (ballet, modern, percussive, flamenco, hip hop), as well as theater and stage productions, exhibition and trade shows, display and retail, television and film production, special events and fashion shows. Click here to learn more about Gerriets vinyl floors

Gerriets is a proud sponsor of the International Dance Entrepreneurs Association, the Association of Dance Conventions and Competitions and Dance NJ.

Contact us here or call 1-609-771-8111 to learn about our flooring options.

How to Choose the Right Dance Flooring

Choosing the right dance floor can be a challenging and often confusing task for studio owners, schools and performing arts theaters. It is an investment that requires guidance and experience – both offered by Gerriets, as we have been manufacturing dance floors for over 40 years. We first introduced our VARIO Reversible Marley Dance Floor in 1975, and since then it has become the standard against which all other dance vinyls are measured. Gerriets offers dance vinyls specifically designed for the wide range of dance styles many studios, schools and theaters today offer – ballet, pointe, jazz, contemporary, lyrical, percussive and musical theater.

Gerriets also offers a modular Sprung Floor called Ergodance, so if you are looking for a sprung floor that can be easily installed, look no further! If a sprung floor is not an option, take a look at our VARIO Uni and VARIO Allround, both dimensionally stable dance vinyls with cushioning.

With Gerriets experience and application knowledge, you can be sure our experienced professionals will be there to guide you through the decision process! Call Gerriets and ask what we can do for you!

How to Choose the Right Event Flooring and Exhibit Flooring

Whether a small, intimate theater or a large scale production, the floor is the often the largest surface one sees, so it will always make a big impression. Gerriets offers a wide range of event and exhibit vinyls and carpeting, in a variety of colors, finishes and surface texture. If you want to make a high impact with a glossy floor, look no further than our VARIO High Gloss, VARIO Brilliance, VARIO Brilliance Met or our VARIO Reflect vinyls – all designed to give you the breathtaking look you are looking for! VARIO Color is available in any RAL color, in a Satin or Glossy finish.

Gerriets Event and Exhibit vinyls and carpeting have been used globally for trade shows, theatrical and music productions, rock and opera concerts, museums, art exhibitions, haute-couture fashion runway shows, and more! Call Gerriets and ask what we can do for you!

Factors to Consider when Choosing your Dance, Event or Exhibit Vinyl Floor


  • 1. Will the installation be portable, semi-permanent or permanent?
  • 2. Will the vinyl be placed over a sprung floor or is a sprung floor needed?
  • 3. What styles of dance or event will take place on the floor?
  • 4. What color and finish is desired – matte or high gloss?


Installation Questions to Consider

  • 1. Do you own or lease your space? Is the floor being used for touring? 
  • 2. How will the floor be used – for dance, an event or exhibit? 
  • 3. Will it be laid over concrete, or a raised or sprung floor? Do you need a sprung floor? 
  • 4. What styles of dance will be done on the floor? If for an exhibit or event, what kind of traffic do you anticipate? How long will the floor be in place? 
  • 5. If the floor is being chosen for portability, how will it be stored? You also need to take the weight of the floor into consideration. 
  • 6. Will there be heavy equipment or scenery being rolled across the floor?



How Will Your New Floor Be Used? Dance, Theatre, Event or Exhibit?

  • 1. What styles of dance will be done on the floor – ballet, pointe, contemporary, jazz, musical theater, percussive and more? Dance vinyls for different forms of dance have very specific requirements. For example, ballet and pointe dancers require a sprung floor or at a minimum a cushioned floor. Slip resistance is another important factor for dancers, as no dancer wants to slip and fall while dancing. Tap and percussive dancers require a harder surface that will amplify the sound of their shoes.
  •  2. Do you need a floor that will be laid and taken up on a regular basis? Fast and easy installation and removal are key here. This type of dance vinyl has to be durable to withstand the rigors of touring. You will need a floor that will lay flat quickly and be taped easily. 
  • 3. Will the floor be used on a stage or in a theater? Often these floors will need to be able to withstand heavy foot traffic while still providing a surface suitable for that application. 
  • 4. Do you need a special event floor where high impact and visual effects are wanted? 
  • 5. Do you need an exhibit or event floor that can withstand heavy foot traffic, but at the same time make a strong visual statement through color, print design, and finish – high gloss, metallic or matte? 
  • 6. Do you need a multi-purpose floor? A floor that can be used in large assemblies, outdoor gatherings, dance and/or special events, where a large uniform flooring surface is required? 
  • 7. If the event or exhibit requires Carpeting, Gerriets offers a wide selection of carpeting colors suitable for any design.

These are all key questions to be asked when making the investment in the right floor for your situation.  Gerriets is available to help you walk through the purchasing process and ensure you make the right choice.  Call and ask Gerriets what we can do for you!


Primary Usage of Your Roll Out Vinyl Floor

Another important consideration is to determine the primary use of the dance floor. Will it be used for theatre or for dancing and if the latter for what dancing style? The needed durability of the dance floor will be determined by intensity of use – will your dance and event flooring be used solely for performance purposes, or also for strenuous practice purposes? Below you’ll find examples for different uses of dance floors.

• Dance

Ballet, Tap, Modern, Hip Hop, Jazz, Irish/Folk, Flamenco

Dance flooring for different forms of dance have very specific requirements. For example, tap dance floors should have a harder surface that amplifies the sound of the tap. Ballet dance floors should have a limited slip surface that allows the ballerina’s foot to slide just the right amount.

• Touring

Portable touring dance floors are used for a variety of applications that require fast and easy installation and removal after the performance. This type of dance floor has to be durable to withstand the rigors of professional touring.Applications include touring professional dance companies, concerts tours and trade shows. These dance floors quickly lay out flat and are typically held together with the proper dance floor tape along the seams. Gerriets manufactures VARIO dance floor tape in several matching dance floor colors specifically manufactured for use on vinyl dance floors.

• Stage and Theater

Stage and Theatrical dance floors are multi-use flooring that can withstand heavy foot traffic as well as rolling scenery. These dance floors can also be scenically painted using vinyl acrylic scenic paints to enhance the overall set design.

• Exhibition

Exhibition floors are hard wearing floors designed for heavy foot traffic, but at the same time make a strong visual statement through color, print design and high-gloss, metallic or matte finishes.

• Multi-Purpose

These dance floors are used in a variety of general use applications such as assemblies, large outdoor gatherings, special events and anywhere a large uniform flooring surface is required.

Colors & Finish of Vinyl Dance Floors

When it comes to color and finish, Gerriets vinyl dance floors offer options for nearly every requirement.

• Single Sided or Reversible Two-Sided Dance Floors

Single sided dance floors have a specific use or dance purpose. They are manufactured with the top surface in the color, finish and grip that makes them unique for their intended use. The middle layers may have a dimensionally stable interply layer or cushioned backing on the bottom layer for added comfort. Reversible two sided dance floors are available in many reversible color combinations and are used as a general purpose dance floors with many applications.

• Traditional Colors Black, White or Grey

Black, white and grey represent the staple color choices for most dance floors. These color combinations maintain a neutral color pallet and are available in all of our single sided and reversible dance floors.

• Other Colors

Color adds pizazz and wow to any performance or exhibit space. All of our dance floors are available in several colors, either as a single sided or two-sided reversible dance floor.

• Custom Color

Unique to Gerriets is our ability to custom manufacture a permanently colored dance floor in either a satin or high-gloss finish. Available in 85 standard colors or matched to your specific color requirement.

• Metallic

Metallic dance floor adds a glitzy sparkly shine to any event or performance. Whether it’s an elegant metallic gold event flooring or a silver metallic dance floor in a high-gloss or satin finish, or a reflective mirror special effect dance floor, we offer choices to satisfy most any desire.

• Matte or High-Gloss Finish

Matte-finish dance floors are typically used for traditional dance applications as they are manufactured with a controlled limited slip surface while high-gloss, or high shine, dance floors are typically used for stage, theatrical and exhibition uses.

• Custom Printed Design

Unique to Gerriets is our ability to digitally print standard or custom design patterns onto our VARIO reversible dance floor using a durable UV ink process. These floors have been used for numerous theatrical, touring and dance applications.

Sprung Floor systems

What is a Sprung Dance Floor and Do I Need It?

A Sprung Dance Floor, or sometimes called a floating floor, is a floor system that is designed to absorb shock and soften, or dampen, the impact from dance movements such as jumping, tumbling, rolling and leaping. Dance is a physical activity and injury may occur. Contrary to their name, our Sprung Floors do not have springs, but rather elastomer pads that absorb energy to reduce injury to joints and muscles, thus creating a healthier, safer and more enjoyable dance environment. Our Sprung Floor system is designed to be installed as a permanent or portable dance floor on top of a sub-floor using a simple latch and lock device to secure the panels together. It is important that the sub-floor, that the Sprung Floor is being installed over, be completely level and free from protrusions such as nails, screws or staples. Our VARIO Ergo Dance Sprung Floor System is available in two standard panel sizes, 39” x 39” (1m x 1m) and 39” x 78” (1m x 2m), or can be custom manufactured to fit the exact dimensions of a studio space.

Consider using a Sprung Floor system if you want to provide a high degree of safety and comfort to your students, performers and instructors. VARIO Ergo Dance should be overlaid with one of our vinyl roll out dance floors.  It is recommended that one of our roll out vinyl dance floors be used over the VARIO Ergo Dance sprung floor system.

Cleaning and Maintenance of Vinyl Dance Floors

With regular simple cleaning and maintenance, your vinyl flooring should serve you for many years of performance enjoyment. It is important to clean your floor using Gerriets PVC Cleaner or another non-solvent based detergent at least three times a week in light duty applications and every day after the dance floor has been in use such as touring, stage and exhibition applications.

Begin by using a soft micro-fiber dry mop to remove all surface dirt and dust. Vacuuming the floor will also work. Do not use an abrasive whisk broom as this may scratch certain floors. Using warm water and the proper concentration of the Gerriets PVC cleaner begin mopping the dance floor surface area and then let dry. Visually inspect the floor to determine if another round of mopping is necessary. For particularly dirty floors, you may have to increase the concentration of the Gerriets PVC cleaner. Finish cleaning by mopping with clean water and let dry.

Useful Tips to Prolong the Life of your Gerriets Vinyl Floor:

  • It is important to remember that cleaning and maintenance should be performed daily.
  • Do not use any solvent based cleaners, alcohol, floor sealers or waxes of any kind on your dance floor.
  • Do not use an abrasive broom or cleaning pad on your dance floor.
  • Spot clean any dirt or grime immediately.
  • When cleaning, only use Gerriets PVC Cleaner or a mild non-solvent based cleaner with warm water.
  • Do not eat, drink or smoke while on the dance floor.
  • Avoid using sharp objects or rolling extremely heavy items across the dance floor.
  • It’s common for scuff marks to occur on vinyl dance floors. As soon as you notice a scuff, spot clean using a soft cloth and Gerriets PVC Vinyl Cleaner.

Storing your Gerriets Roll Out Vinyl Dance Floor

Once ready to remove the dance floor, completely remove all tape and clean the floor as described in the Cleaning and Maintenance section. Remove all debris that can become trapped in the floor when rolling. Roll up each dance floor panel on a heavy-duty core at least 4” in diameter and strong enough not to crush or bend under the weight of the floor. While rolling, keep adjusting the edges so they remain straight with no “telescoping” effect. For long-term storage, we recommend wrapping each roll in heavy-duty plastic and storing them on the VARIO Transport Cart. This method allows the individual roll to hang and not rest under its own weight, which can cause an oval shape from its own weight, or other weight on top of it. By adhering to these guidelines, your Gerriets roll out dance floor will provide you with years of hassle-free use.